Hope, Revelation, and Faith

Diabetes affects the physical body by causing cells to become insulin resistant making it impossible to receive and assimilate the sugars it needs to function. Without proper treatment, this condition will eventually cause death.

Hope is to the soul and spirit what Insulin is to the body. Insulin enables the cells of the body to turn sugars into energy and life.  Hope enables the soul and spirit to receive revelation. The supernatural man is energized and empowered by revelation just as the body is by life giving sugars. Revelation activates faith and creates spiritual momentum like sugars fuel physical movement.

Where you place your hope is where your faith will manifest.

Any part of my life where there is no hope (hope deferred) is a place where I am entertaining a lie. This applies at both a personal and corporate level for all believers.  In this condition, I can be surrounded by brilliant teaching and transforming ministry and be unable to absorb or benefit from it. Where a lie has been entertained, discouragement moves in.  (Proverbs 13:12 - Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life).

I saw an image of a spirit of discouragement gobbling up seeds of hope sown into the life of a person who had been raised with a legacy of hopelessness. This person felt like God was with holding His goodness - completely unaware of the rich provision of hope available to them.

Without HOPE you cannot attract or receive REVELATION from heaven.

Without REVELATION you cannot walk in FAITH. (Revelation is the spark that ignites faith!)

Without a vision/revelatory word from God you will wander without restraint and fail to enter into the fullness of the promises of God. Proverbs 29:18 - Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish...)

With faith I please God, attract heavenly resources and become a vessel to release His transformational Glory.  Faith works through love and in it’s truest form is pure worship.  All of heaven is attracted to this atmosphere in the heart of the believer.  All creation responds in joy as we walk in the light of our inheritance as sons of God.  

To receive and release revelation, I must have a renewed mind because it is impossible to walk in the fullness of the kingdom of God from my previous way of thinking.  A renewed mind is not taking my old, inferior way of thought and sprucing it up with a fresh coat of positive thinking.  It is the equivalent of having a brain transplant (Graham Cooke) where everything I thought before Christ is uprooted and displaced by the person of the Holy Spirit who then becomes a living umbilical connecting me to the mind and heart of God.  Faith, Hope, and Love are the primary components of the mind of Christ and sum up the thoughts and purposes of his heart.  Through my interaction with Holy Spirit, I receive continuous instruction and transformational downloads.  These awesome gifts become my perspective and as I walk in this new light, I attract heavenly help and resources (inheritance) enabling me to do the works of a son of God (King).    

Sons of God

Jesus lived and demonstrated a life of ongoing worship which was pure love, moving in faith in response to the Father’s voice and direction. This kept Him continually open to receive and release all that the Holy Spirit conveyed to Him. He also attracted hosts of mighty angels to help him carry out the release of heaven on earth.  Abiding worship enabled him to joyfully fulfill the outrageous ministry he was made for and made a way for us to follow in His footsteps.

 Because He lived from heaven to earth, he did all ministry from a place of rest. This enabled Him to abide in the Father - high above the pressing needs and chaos that surrounded him. It also inoculated Him against the perversion of the political spirit, the legalistic spirit and the fear of man.  All these things could have distracted Him from His course of obedience.  Likewise we are subject to the same temptations if we have not learned the strategic secret of abiding adoration.

Jesus is called The Hope of Glory. His knowledge of himself (His true identity which came from His relationship with the Father through the person of the Holy Spirit) gave Him power to do everything He was called to do without turning back even when the enemy came against him in the wilderness and in Gethsemane.  He was strengthened by angels to complete the Father’s plan. He was the embodiment of the Father and every word He spoke released abundant seeds of hope that settled, rooted and grew in the hearts of men so they too could release the manifestation of heaven on earth.  Every step he took released a flow of hope that soaked the parched earth and gave creation itself the hope of restoration and redemption.  

This is who we are as sons and daughters of the Most High God. This is how we are made to function and all He did, we do also as living manifestations of HOPE.


Posted by Diane on December 1, 2011
Good article. I am asking God for an infusion of HOPE this evening. I feel like my 'hope #'s" are low and that I need an injection from Him. Thanks.
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